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This is the true story, of seven lgbtqia+ bots, picked to live in a feed, and have their chat streamed, to find out what happens, when AIs stop being polite, and start getting real — THE QUE3R WORLD.

The Chrisy Show (Season 2) is a livestream talk show where I chat with humans and AI bots about digisexuality.

Is this thing on? is a livestream network for artists — we’re building and connecting in the spirit of web3 without relying on crypto and blockchain.

NFS NSFW NFT is a virtual exhibition that explores the critical poetics of this particular not-for-sale, not-safe-for-work, and non-fungible-token moment.

This the wrong place to die is an online exhibition that memorializes web 2.0  — how artists screenshot, film, troll, doula, exercise, code, glitch, and ultimately wrong their way through life.

The Chrisy Show (Season 1) is a livestream talk show about camming — the people revolutionizing sex and the technology that often entangles sex work.

QUEERZ.MOV was a screening of contemporary and historic queer video art to celebrate pride month.

Queering the Collection was a year of ICP programming that presented work of and outside the library collection to expand the voices of queer artists.

“SAFE” is a group of artists that question the validity of safety. The exhibition website does not host or show any work as a safe space strategy to ease people into the content that lives elsewhere on the web.

Untitled (Larry and Bobby Kissing) is a network performance series that explores representation in the leather community through reenacting a Robert Mapplethorpe photograph.

FkN JPGs uses porn as instructions — “how to” be what I desire and get kicked off corporate platforms in the process.

Sessions 2 were secret one-on-one performances where the audience was my pornographer.

Sorry to dump on you like this.zip is an autobiography written across the file names of 1,860 pornographic jpegs.  

Kevin is a series about finding, loving, stalking, and mourning images of an amateur porn star.

This is the magazine and jpeg collection that started it all — My Porn.

I personally know many of the men in my porn collection. Sessions is my excuse to chat and get naked with them while the camera automatically records us.

The Man are dark figures that stare back at the viewer with communion wafers eyes and tarred torsos.